Spark / Telecom NZ Internet Temporary Fix

05 September 2014 § 0

I have Spark/Telecom as my ISP and I've been having, to say at best, sporadic internet connection. I thought it was just my wifi connection or my phone but it was happening on all of the devices at home. So I did the usual troubleshooting step which is to reboot the router (power off for 30 seconds) - still the same problem. I checked the status connection on the routers WebGUI and I saw that it was a DNS server problem.

To check whether it was a DNS problem, I opened up my browser and checked - Web Page Cannot be loaded. Then I tried which is one of the IP addresses for the website - I was able to access it. This was indeed a DNS problem.

As a DNS problem, there are 2 simple temporary (but can also be a permanent) solution.

Disclaimer: Do everything at your own risk. I will not be held liable in anyway if something goes wrong with your devices.

METHOD #1 (click on pictures to make them bigger)

Windows 7 and up:

Go to Control Panel

Go to Network And Sharing Center
Make sure that it's View by: Small Icons

Click Change Adapter Settings

Right Click on Local Area Connection (if you have a wired connection) or Wireless Network Connection (if you have a wireless connection) then select Properties

Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click the Properties button

Just copy everything in the picture below then press OK.
Or you can use Preferred: and Alternate

And that's it for Method #1. You shouldn't be experiencing intermittent internet connection. The same thing can be done for Macs unfortunately I can't create screenshots since I don't have any Mac computers.

This method, however, should be done on every device you have connected to your network. Method #2 will show you how to do this on your Spark/Telecom router so you won't have to do Method #1 individually on your devices.


This is for those who have the Technicolor TG582n router.

Click Start and type cmd then press Enter
type telnet press Enter
type open press Enter
Username: Administrator (this is the default)
Password: (your password or default password)
Once you're in, your screen should look like the picture below
Then type these commands in this order

dns server route flush
dns server route add dns= metric=0 intf=Internet
dns server route add dns= metric=0 intf=Internet

Once all this problem has been resolved by Spark and you want to go back to your original settings just do everything the same until the commands. Type these in instead:

dns server route flush

This is the end of METHOD #2. These 2 methods should resolve the intermittent connection problem temporarily. Again, do all of these things at your own risk. I won't be held responsible if anything goes wrong.

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